About Us

At Art of Jodhpur, we believe that a home is more than just a place to live—it’s a sanctuary where you can express your true self, a canvas to reflect your personal journey. It’s where laughter resonates, tears may fall, and stories unfold. That’s why we are dedicated to helping you infuse your living spaces with elements that are not just decorative, but deeply personal and emotionally resonant.

Our carefully curated collection features the finest local artisans from across India, whose skills have been honed through generations. From intricately handcrafted furniture and vibrant textiles to unique home accessories, each piece at Art of Jodhpur is selected with an eye for authenticity, quality, and artistic value. We partner with the best brands to ensure that every item in our collection tells a story—your story.

Discover the art of living with Art of Jodhpur, where every piece is more than just an object, but a reflection of your identity and your love affair with your home. Experience the joy of creating spaces that are truly your own, spaces that allow you to be vulnerable, to be comforted, and to celebrate life as it happens.

How are we unique


Trendy and aesthetic picks


Curated straight from manufacturers


Effortless online shopping experience